Dickerson, D. L., Penick, J. E., Dawkins, K. R., & Van Sickle, M. (2007) Finding 1

To increase understanding of complex concepts related to groundwater:

  • Add a groundwater emphasis to science standards, such as in the National Science Education Standards (NRC 1996);
  • Provide increased attention to students’ spatial reasoning abilities;
  • Provide formal instruction for science teachers concerning groundwater; and
  • Design appropriate assessments.

The learning experience: Enables the learner to link new knowledge to their existing knowledge in meaningful ways.

Class or Group 
The learning experience: Incorporates methods for assessing the value of the experience, especially as it relates to desired outcomes.
The learning experience: Is facilitated by quality instructors who have been trained in effective teaching methods and are supported by the program sponsor.

Citation: Dickerson, D. L., Penick, J. E., Dawkins, K. R., & Van Sickle, M. (2007). Groundwater in science education. Journal of Science Teacher Education, 18(1), 45-61. from the ERIC database.
Citation Type: Research