Dickerson, D. L., Penick, J. E., Dawkins, K. R., & Van Sickle, M. (2007) Finding 3

To facilitate students’ ability to conceptualize the groundwater environment, measure understandings of the concepts using: drawings, concept maps, and open-ended questions.

The learning experience: Can be adapted to individual differences in learning strategies and approaches.
The learning experience: Builds thinking and reasoning skills – analysis, synthesis, evaluation, and problem solving – that learners can use to construct and apply their knowledge.

Class or Group 
The learning experience: Incorporates methods for assessing the value of the experience, especially as it relates to desired outcomes.

Citation: Dickerson, D. L., Penick, J. E., Dawkins, K. R., & Van Sickle, M. (2007). Groundwater in science education. Journal of Science Teacher Education, 18(1), 45-61. from the ERIC database.
Citation Type: Research