Dickerson, D. L., Penick, J. E., Dawkins, K. R., & Van Sickle, M. (2007) Finding 4

To facilitate students’ ability to conceptualize the groundwater environment, engage teachers in learning how to develop appropriate assessment materials. For example, model use of preassessment to assess students’ groundwater understandings using various types of multiplechoice items, open-ended questions, and drawing prompts. Ask teachers to analyze what types of information each item provides and construct an appropriateinstructional plan based on the responses.

The learning experience: Enables the learner to link new knowledge to their existing knowledge in meaningful ways.

Class or Group 
The learning experience: Is based on and shaped by some form of needs assessment and use of a planning model (such as the logic model)
The learning experience: Incorporates methods for assessing the value of the experience, especially as it relates to desired outcomes.
The learning experience: Is facilitated by quality instructors who have been trained in effective teaching methods and are supported by the program sponsor.

Citation: Dickerson, D. L., Penick, J. E., Dawkins, K. R., & Van Sickle, M. (2007). Groundwater in science education. Journal of Science Teacher Education, 18(1), 45-61. from the ERIC database.
Citation Type: Research