Fedler, A. J. (Ed.) Finding 9

Develop program design and content to adhere to guiding principles for boating, fishing, and aquatic stewardship education. The program:

  • Considers aquatic resources in their totality, including natural, built, technological, and social aspects (e.g. economics, politics, cultural-historical, moral, aesthetic)

The learning experience: Relates to long-term community vision and goals.

Class or Group 
The learning experience: Builds from key principles underlying environmental education.• Systems and interdependence are characteristics of the biological and natural order.• Natural sciences, social sciences, and humanities disciplines contribute to understanding of the environment and environmental issues.• Learner connections to immediate surroundings provide a base for understanding larger systems, broader issues, causes and consequences.

Citation: Fedler, A. J. (Ed.). (2001). Defining best practices in boating, fishing, and stewardship education. Alexandria, VA: Recreational Boating & Fishing Foundation.
Citation Type: Research