To address the complexity of water resource management problems, engage stakeholders in structuring, i.e. systematizing the knowledge which emerges during the participative process, in order to make it comprehensible for the other participants and functional for the decision process. Cognitive mapping (concepts linked to form chains of action-oriented argumentation) and analysis is an example of a system that can be used to produce different points of view and information, in order to enrich a collective ‘‘knowledge base’’ with creative ideas and concepts around the problem.
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The learning experience: Content and delivery is determined in cooperation with the target audience and stakeholders
Citation: Giordano, R., Passarella, G., Uricchio, V. F., & Vurro, M. (2007). Integrating conflict analysis and consensus reaching in a decision support system for water resource management. Journal of Environmental Management, 84(2), 213-228. from the Environmental Sciences and Pollution Mgmt database.
Citation Type: Research