Use farm assessments to identify pollution risks when the use of an assessment tool is likely to lead to cost-effective, voluntary actions to reduce those risks.
The learning experience: Can be adapted to individual differences in learning strategies and approaches.
The learning experience: Relates to personal interests and provides for personal choice and control. (the learning experience is “learner centered”)
The learning experience: Encourages the learner to set meaningful learning goals and to take personal responsibility for their own learning.
The learning experience: Builds thinking and reasoning skills – analysis, synthesis, evaluation, and problem solving – that learners can use to construct and apply their knowledge.
The learning experience: Generates and makes use of data about the local condition.
Citation: Knox, D., Jackson, G., & Nevers, E. (1995). Farm*a*Syst: A partnership program to protect water resources. Paper presented at the Clean Water—Clean Environment—21st Century: Team Agriculture — Working to Protect Water Resources, Kansas City, MO.
Citation Type: Research