Poe, G. L., H. M. van Es, et al. (1998) Finding 1

Indicate personal risk when risks exist.

The learning experience: Relates to personal interests and provides for personal choice and control. (the learning experience is “learner centered”)
The learning experience: Encourages the learner to set meaningful learning goals and to take personal responsibility for their own learning.
The learning experience: Promotes active engagement and real world problem solving.
The learning experience: Presents a new behavior or skill by• Demonstrating its similarity to a current behavior or skill.• Relating the new behavior to current social practices.• Demonstrating ease of adoption in terms of time, effort and money.

Citation: Poe, G. L., H. M. van Es, et al. (1998). Do Participants in Well Water Testing Programs Update Their Exposure and Health Risk Perceptions? Journal of Soil and Water Conservation 53(4): 320-325.
Citation Type: Research