For sustainable agriculture education, target families with one or more of these characteristics:
- Kin-mentor relationships that support the practice of sustainable agriculture
- An environmental or health problem which triggers interest or motivation
- Systematic on-farm experimentation o Value for prudence with resources.
The learning experience: Relates to personal interests and provides for personal choice and control. (the learning experience is “learner centered”)
The learning experience: Provides a nurturing context for learning, with attention to• Cultural or group background and influences• The physical environment• The use of tools or practices appropriate to learner skills and abilities.
Citation: Salamon, S., Farnsworth, R. L., Bulluck, D. G., & Yusuf, R. (1997). Family factors affecting adoption of sustainable farming systems. Journal of Soil and Water Conservation, 52(4), 265-271.
Citation Type: Research