Who’s 4-H

 Wisconsin 4-H Youth Development

4-H is a youth organization that belongs to the members, their families and other interested adults who serve as volunteers leaders.  In 4-H, young people share, grow, and learn together from various projects, events, and activities in informal situations under the guidance of their families and other leaders.  Professional leadership is given by Cooperative Extension of the University of WI.  Support for 4-H programs is a joint effort of local government, the University of Wisconsin, and the United States Department of Agriculture.

In 4-H, young people share, grow, and learn together from various projects, events, and activities in informal situations under the guidance of their families and other volunteer adult leaders.  Members can choose projects that fit them and the places where they live. Group activities and events such as trips, camps, fairs, shows, and conferences provide additional learning experiences and opportunities.

4-H is open to all youth and adults regardless of their ethnic background, race, creed, or disablity.  Most 4-H clubs have meetings for the entire membership once a month.  During these meetings, decisions are made about group-sponsored activities such as community services efforts, project opportunities, and fund-raising efforts.

Regardless of the structure, a 4-H group may involve families, neighbors, relatives, and others.  Participants have fun learning, working and succeeding together in the home, neighborhood, and community.

Purpose of 4-H

The purpose of 4-H is two-fold:

  • To provide real life experiences for youth through a fun, action-orientated, and practical program.
  • To provide opportunity for parents and other interested adults to work with youth in their development.

Evan Henthorne
4-H Program Coordinator
569 Cedar St, Suite 3
Adams, WI 53910
Phone: 608-339-4237
Fax: 608-339-4266


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