Information for Immigrant Workers

Facts about Immigration and Public Benefits for Immigrant Workers

María José Fuenzalida, Dane County Dairy and Livestock educator, prepared a series of articles, the purpose of these articles is to educate immigrant workers about true facts related to the public charge rule and to provide information about health care options for members of the family, especially for children.

For more information visit: Information for Immigrant Workers

We want immigrant workers to learn about health care programs available for low-income households and to know where they can find more information about immigration and health care coverage in Wisconsin.

If you need this information translated into a language other than Spanish or English please contact María José Fuenzalida at or call her at (608) 224-3708

This project is made possible by Covering Wisconsin and Wisconsin Department of Health Services with funding provided through the 2020 CARES Act relief fund

The University of Wisconsin-Madison Division of Extension provides affirmative action and equal opportunity in education, programming and employment for all qualified persons regardless of race, color, gender, creed, disability, religion, national origin, ancestry, age, sexual orientation, pregnancy, marital or parental, arrest or conviction record or veteran status.