Local Planning and Zoning Offices

Development Projects

City of New Berlin, WI

The City of New Berlin provides a list of current development projects and materials available for review such as location and zoning maps, subdivision plats, site plans, photos and renderings.

Forms and Permits

City of New Berlin, WI

The City of New Berlin provides access to forms and permits. Included is a statement describing parameters around form use.

Fillable Permit Form

Jefferson County, WI

Jefferson County document center has an online fillable form for land use permits.


Planning and Zoning Maps

Waupaca County, WI

Waupaca County provides access to planning and zoning maps in an online, interactive format. Viewers can zoom and click on parcels to look up zoning, floodplain, and farmland preservation information.

Planner Assistance

Waukesha County, WI

Waukesha County has a planner of the day. Online form to assist with electronic plan submittals.

Town/County Coordination

Sauk County, WI

Sauk County provides a form to coordinate processing of applications between the county and towns.

CPZ Online Fee Payment

Sauk County, WI

Sauk County provides a fee schedule and online tool for planning and zoning.

Support Extension