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Plan Commission Training
Plan Commission Training is designed to orient new members to the roles and responsibilities of the plan commission and to serve as a refresher for veteran members of the commission. Local government officials, planning and zoning staff, and interested citizens will also benefit from understanding the role of the plan commission.
The Plan Commission training course contains several learning modules that you can complete sequentially or independently. Each module provides detailed content on the subject area. Various resources accompany each module in PDF format. Downloadable MS Word documents of the resources are available from the Plan Commission Resources page.
Click one of the modules to begin your training.

Course Overview
Tips for local officials, staff and educators who would like to use the course materials.

Introduction to the Commission
Learn about the roles and responsibilities of the plan commission. Start here if you are new to the commission or need resources for appointing a plan commission.

Plan commissions must follow standards and procedures outlined in state statutes and local ordinances. Learn more about open meetings, public notice, legal and ethical conduct, and making decisions.

Community Planning
Planning helps a community to identify local needs, envision the future, and create a plan to reach that vision. Learn more about developing community plans, involving the public in the planning process, and tools for implementing the plan.

Land Use Regulation
Plan commissions are involved in developing and applying land use ordinances. Learn more about zoning and subdivision regulations, the process for adopting and amending ordinances, and standards for making legally defensible decisions.

Quickly access resources, forms and worksheets included throughout the course pages. Learn how to schedule or request a plan commission workshop in your area.