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Public Hearings
A public hearing is held for the express purpose of gathering information from the public regarding a pending application, petition or policy proposal. The plan commission may be required to hold a public hearing when developing recommendations on the adoption or amendment of a comprehensive plan or ordinance or when considering an application for a development permit.
Preparing for a Public Hearing
Prior to meeting
- Arrange for alternates due to anticipated absence or conflict of interest.
- Send the agenda, proposal, and staff reports to commission members.
- Comply with open meeting law and public hearing notice requirements.
- Arrange for a tape recording of the hearing or a court reporter.
Preliminary matters at meeting
- Distribute and collect hearing appearance slips. (see example on page 22). [chair]
- Call the meeting to order. [chair]
- Take roll and confirm that a quorum is present. [secretary]
- Confirm compliance with open meetings law and public notice requirements. [commission]
- Read the agenda and amend as necessary (reorder hearings). [chair and commission]
- Inform the public in attendance of hearing procedures (see script on page 23). [chair]
For Legislative Proceedings: (i.e. plan or ordinance adoption or amendment)
Conducting a Public Hearing
- Open the public hearing. [chair]
- Provide a summary and rationale for the proposal. [commission or staff]
- Allow time for group and individual questions and answers. [commission, staff, public]
- Request formal statements from the public. [chair]
- Close the record and the hearing. [chair]