Fedler, A. J. (Ed.) Finding 8

Develop program design and content to adhere to guiding principles for boating, fishing, and aquatic stewardship education. The program:

  • Provides continued application and reinforcement of content in order to produce long-term changes in behavior:

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Fedler, A. J. (Ed.) Finding 7

To produce long-term changes in behavior, provide comprehensive training in the set of variables correlated with measurable changes in environmentally-related behavior, including:

  • environmental sensitivity
  • knowledge about ecology
  • in-depth understanding of aquatic environmental issues
  • a sense of personal investment in specific environmental issues
  • knowledge of environmental action strategies
  • skills in using environmental action strategies
  • an internal locus of control
  • intentions to act

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Fedler, A. J. (Ed.) Finding 6

In designing outreach to encourage participation in outdoor recreation programs, attend to:

  • Participant engagement in environmental behavior, rather than their attitudes about the environment.

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Siemer, W. F., & Knuth, B. A. (2001) Finding 2

To increase ownership and empowerment, design programs with a strong emphasis on:

  • Combining: a) field activities; b) curriculum activities; c) family and community involvement
  • Multi-faceted experiences, which are more likely to lead to an increase in skills, knowledge and motivation than education which includes only one of the above elements.

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Fedler, A. J. (Ed.) Finding 5

In designing outreach programs that strive to link environmental concern with recreational behaviors, attend to:

  • social factors that influence the choice of activity and the interpretation given the recreational experience

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