To gauge landowner willingness to engage in riparian zone management, assess identified predictors of landowner intentions: willingness to consider the recommendations of groups such as governmental agencies and watershed associations, beliefs that riparian management would be beneficial, and past and current riparian management behavior.
The learning experience: Relates to personal interests and provides for personal choice and control. (the learning experience is “learner centered”)
The learning experience: Presents a new behavior or skill by• Demonstrating its similarity to a current behavior or skill.• Relating the new behavior to current social practices.• Demonstrating ease of adoption in terms of time, effort and money.
Class or Group
The learning experience: Is based on and shaped by some form of needs assessment and use of a planning model (such as the logic model)
The learning experience: Is designed to focus on a targeted audience and is built on an understanding of audience skills and interests.
Citation: Fielding, K. S., Terry, D. J., Masser, B. M., Bordia, P., & Hogg, M. A. (2005). Explaining landholders’ decisions about riparian zone management: The role of behavioural, normative, and control beliefs. Journal of Environmental Management, 77(1), 12-21
Citation Type: Research