Zint, M., Kraemer, A., Northway, H., & Lim, M. (2002) Finding 1

Teach water science and build environmentally responsible behavior among students through “service-learning” experiences that apply principles of interaction and continuity: both of which are significant features of education that lead to learning. For example,

  • Focus on the characteristics of environmentally responsible behavior – knowledge of issues, skill in actions, knowledge of ecology and actions, group locus of control, intention to act, environmental sensitivity, personal responsibility, and individual locus of control – to build student environmental stewardship motivation and competencies.

Citation: Zint, M., Kraemer, A., Northway, H., & Lim, M. (2002). Evaluation of the Chesapeake Bay Foundation’s conservation education programs. Conservation Biology, 16(3), 641-649.
Citation Type: Research