What is the most rewarding part of this job? The best thing about this job is being able to help a farm change for the better and seeing the rewarding results. Being able to travel and not being stuck behind a computer is also a great benefit.
Background Information: Nutritionists work for or own companies that consult on animal nutrition and management. They also deal with strategies, planning, and financial monitoring to help improve the efficiency and overall productivity of dairy farms in the area. As an independent consultant, your job would consist of all of the above duties, as well as going around to farms in the area and checking on how their cows are doing while giving suggestions about what needs to be fixed to make the cows healthier.
Experience/Education Needed: For a position like this, you will need at least a bachelor’s degree in dairy or animal science. In order to do consulting work about management issues, you will also need a certification in dairy management.
Average Salary Range: The average salary range for this job is from $35,000-$40,000 for someone starting out as a consultant for a company and about $75,000 for someone that is an experienced independent consultant.
Career Roadmap: These are the steps one might take to get to this career.
In high school, it would be most beneficial to try and understand math, biology, and chemistry. It is also really important to get involved in high school as well as in college in things like FFA, 4-H, and Dairy Club. Do research trials and work for a consulting company with a good reputation. That will keep you on the right track to becoming an independent consultant. Attend a four-year college to get your bachelor’s degree in dairy or animal science. Gain hands-on experience through internships while in college.