Energy Advisor

What is the most rewarding part of this job?  The most rewarding part about this job is that you get to educate people about the importance of energy efficiency and design projects that will improve energy savings. Most of the time you are also bringing a monetary incentive to your customers so they are always happy to see you! It really is a fun job!

Background Information:  Energy Advisors are hired to work for programs that focus on energy efficiency and renewable resources. These programs provide resources, information and financial incentives to the public and then create projects that will save energy. Most energy advisors have a range of groups they advise, such as agriculture, school, and government. This includes answering questions regarding the lights and energy-using equipment in barns, schools, government buildings, and on streets.

Experience/Education Needed:  For this career, most people have a degree in engineering or utilities from either a university or a tech college. There are apprenticeships in mechanical engineering as well that will help prepare you for this job. Math and calculation classes are also beneficial.

Average Salary Range: The average salary for an energy advisor can range from $50,000 to $100,000 depending on how many years of experience and the level of education you have.

Career Roadmap: These are the steps one might take to get to this career.

After high school, decide which path you are going to take to get to this career. Take math and calculation classes and strengthen your engineering skills. Gain a lot of experience by getting jobs and internships in the field. You can also continue your education and become a Certified Energy Manager (CEM).


energy advisor