What is the most rewarding part of this job? The most rewarding part about this job is being able to work with such a great group of people. The clients are fantastic and always appreciate what you do for them.
Background Information: Landscape designers often work for landscaping companies that offer full services in landscape design, installation, and construction. They sometimes provide mowing, tree and shrub disease control, turf over-seeding, ornamental pruning and snow plowing services. As the designer, you draw plans, choose plants and materials, and install any additional structures desired to create a quality landscape for the customer.
Experience/Education Needed: A degree in horticulture or business and hands-on experience will prepare you the most for this career. There are also landscape design classes you can take.
Average Salary Range: The average salary can range from $20,000 to $70,000. Your salary may be higher if you are working in the winter compared to a seasonal position.
Career Roadmap: These are the steps one might take to get to this career.
Start off by exploring the many different aspects of landscaping and decide what you want to do with it. Go to college and get a degree in horticulture or business. Take design classes and continue gaining as much experience as possible.