We invite you to participate in the UW-Dairy Brain survey

The Coordinated Innovation Network of the Dairy Brain project at the University of Wisconsin-Madison aims to create awareness and guidelines regarding data in the dairy industry. We are an open community and need your input to learn more about a number of key topics related to data collection and utilization such as: data security; data ownership; best practices for data collection and data communication; farm adoption of data driven decision support tools; and creating value from data.

The information you provide us in this questionnaire will be used to inform a series of articles about best practices regarding these topics, as well as a guideline for the Dairy Brain project. We take your privacy and confidentiality very seriously. All of your responses to this questionnaire are confidential and anonymous. Any information you share will only be reported in aggregated group summaries.

We ask you to participate in the brief online survey by completing the online questionnaire available after clicking here. It will take around 15 minutes.

We appreciate your time and effort in assisting us by completing this web-based questionnaire.