Minutes and Records

The plan commission is required to keep a record of its resolutions, transactions, findings, and determinations. While it is not necessary to create an actual tape or transcript of most meetings, we recommend doing so in the case of quasi-judicial hearings. A transcript of the proceedings provides a record of the rationale for decisions and is useful for later legal review if a decision is appealed in court. Other records that should be preserved include the application, evidence submitted as part of the application (i.e. photos, sketches, letters, emails, audio tapes, video tapes), oral and written testimony, and other information that was considered in decision-making. Meeting minutes should also be taken for all plan commission meetings. The minutes should record the subject matter of discussions, and all motions, seconds and votes, including absences and abstentions. To comply with the open meetings law, the minutes should also record proper notice and reasons for going into closed session. Responsibility for taking meeting minutes may be assigned to a plan commission secretary, designated staff person or municipal clerk.

Content of Meeting Minutes

Robert’s Rules of Order recommends that meeting minutes include:

  • Name and type of meeting.
  • Date, time and place of meeting.
  • Name of the chair and secretary or their substitutes.
  • Names of members attending and whether a quorum was present.
  • Names of guests and their subject matter. You may circulate a sign-in sheet and attach it to the minutes.
  • Record of action taken on the minutes from the previous meeting.
  • Exact wording of each main motion as it was voted on with the name of the motion-maker and whether the motion passed or failed. If the vote on the motion was counted, the count should be included.
  • Reports should include the name of the person presenting the report, the subject of the report, and any action taken. If a written report is provided, it should be attached to the minutes or the minutes should describe where the report is located.
  • Other actions, assignments, deadlines, resolutions, and recommendations can be briefly recorded.
  • Secretary’s signature once the minutes have been approved.

See Robert’s Rules of Order Newly Revised, 11th Edition or www.rulesonline.com/rror-10.htm.

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