Support stakeholder groups, especially those with similar missions and those that already have a relationship with the target audience. Continue reading →
Best Education Practice: Community
See below for: research findings about outreach with a community.
For the Community, the learning experience:
- Builds on locally existing skills and resources.
- Supports a person who takes responsibility for managing or leading the process, and relies on quality group planning and facilitation techniques.
- Is flexible in response to both process and conditions.
- Provides participants with feedback about the results of their actions.
- Generates and makes use of data about the local condition.
- Takes into consideration the community as a whole, including: socio-political, economic, historical, and cultural influences.
- Evolves from work with a coalition or group.
- Builds effectiveness through linkages to other communities, partners, and resources.
- Takes place close to the location where people practice a behavior of concern.
- Reaches people in multiple ways.
- Relates to long-term community vision and goals.
- Provides training to increase skills needed to accomplish goals identified by the group.
Findings Navigation: Browse by Audience; Browse by Theme; Browse by Best Education Practice; Browse by multiple topics
Siemer, W. F., & Knuth, B. A. (2001) Finding 3
Develop program design and content to adhere to guiding principles for boating, fishing, and aquatic stewardship education (Siemer, 2001). The program:
- Constitutes a continuous and lifelong process for individuals, families, and diverse social groups.
Zipper, C. E. and J. S. Rockett. (1997) Finding 1
Emphasize “place”, by creating a local Board for example, has potential for broad impacts on locally identified environmental problems. Continue reading →
Leach, W. D., & Pelkey, N. W. (2001) Finding 1
Design partnership development training to build understanding and skills for partnership success factors and themes identified through the Leach and Pelky (2001) meta-analysis of empirical literature. (see Table 2, p. 382 for detailed list of these associated with each factor).
Focus on factors influencing partnership success:
- maintain balance between partnership resources and scope of activity
- pursue flexible and informal process
- attend to alternative dispute resolution (ADR) processes
- attend to institution analysis and development (IAD) processes
Curtis, A., & DeLacy, T. (1995) Finding 3
Create opportunities to build landowner participation in the activities of landowner groups. Continue reading →
Stanley, J. W. (1992) Finding 1
Focus on a geographic area:
- Define the geographical area where environmental intervention is crucial (Stanley, 1992).
Fedler, A. J. (Ed.) Finding 9
Develop program design and content to adhere to guiding principles for boating, fishing, and aquatic stewardship education. The program:
- Considers aquatic resources in their totality, including natural, built, technological, and social aspects (e.g. economics, politics, cultural-historical, moral, aesthetic)
House, M., & Fordham, M. (1997) Finding 3
Gauge public preference at an early stage of planning and design, or at least at the point where possible options are being considered Continue reading →
Force, D., & Bills, N. (1989) Finding 2
Identify characteristics of landowners that could influence interest in conservation practices. Continue reading →
Johnson, S. E., & Jacobs, H. M. (1994) Finding 1
The process of learning about the community of learners is as important as the content of the learning. Continue reading →