Identify characteristics of landowners that could influence interest in conservation practices. Continue reading →
Theme: Audience Information
Development and use of information about a target audience
Findings Navigation: Browse by Audience; Browse by Theme; Browse by Best Education Practice; Browse by multiple topics
House, M., & Fordham, M. (1997) Finding 3
Gauge public preference at an early stage of planning and design, or at least at the point where possible options are being considered Continue reading →
Gerakis, A. (1998) Finding 1
Test the audience at the beginning of the workshop to improve instructor ability to enhance subsequent learning Continue reading →
Sommers, D. G., & Napier, T. L. (1993) Finding 2
Pay attention to unique factors of cultural groups, but programs that focus on efficiency and productivity in decision-making are likely to succeed, whatever the social characteristics of the farm group Continue reading →
Al-Jamal, M. S., Sammis, T. W., & Ball, S. T. (2001) Finding 2
Consider target audience issues such as time, skill, and direct experience with saving money over time Continue reading →
Fedler, A. J. (Ed.) Finding 5
In designing outreach programs that strive to link environmental concern with recreational behaviors, attend to:
- social factors that influence the choice of activity and the interpretation given the recreational experience
Fortner, R. W., & Corney, J. R. (2002) Finding 1
Determine whether teachers can implement topics. Check if:
- They have knowledge about the topics.
- They have a place to fit the topic in their curriculum.
Lawrence, T. & T. Koontz. (2004) Finding 1
Before designing training, survey local officials to learn if they:
- Have a good understanding of their communities’ storm water management plan.
- Feel they have sufficient information to make informed decisions about storm water management.
- See a role for local watershed groups in water quality monitoring, stormwater management planning, plan implementation, and compliance monitoring or environmental stewardship.
Ingram, M. (2004) Finding 1
To encourage sustainable practices in application of fertilizers and pesticides on lawns
- Use a social marketing approach to understand and redesign educational outreach strategies.
- Identify barriers and benefits to the use of IPM by paid landscape managers.