Emotion Coaching

By Sarah Hawks, Human Development & Relationships Extension Educator, Racine County

Children often have strong, overwhelming feelings. Adults may be confused by the intensity of children’s feelings, yet they want to help children understand and manage feelings. Emotion coaching helps adults master this important caregiving skill.

Download the ”Emotion Coaching” Fact Sheet

Read the fact sheet:


  • Robert Nix, Ph.D., Integrated Specialist, Diverse and Underserved Children, Families, and Communities, Associate Professor, Human Development and Family Studies, UW-Madison 
  • John Gottman, The Gottman Institute,  https://www.gottman.com/blog/an-introduction-to-emotion-coaching/
  • The fact sheet is based on the research of John Gottman, Hiam Ginott, Adele Faber, Elaine Mazlish, and Sophie Havighurst.