Written by Yia Lor, Eau Claire County Family Engagement & Relationships Extension Educator.
Reading out loud is the most important thing you can do to prepare children to read. Building pre-literacy skills in young children helps them achieve greater success in school. Throughout the day, read what you see around you: signs, labels, recipes, or words from a text message.
Read the fact sheet:
- Español – Preparación para la lectura (PDF, 2 pages, 635 KB)
- “Reading with Your Child” – https://www.readingrockets.org/article/reading-your-child#:~:text=Children%20learn%20to%20love%20the,to%20understand%20the%20written%20word.
- “A Daily Experience, A LifeLong Benefit” – https://www.reachoutandread.org/why-we-matter/child-development/
- “Kids & Family Reading Report: Finding Their Story” –https://www.scholastic.com/readingreport/our-diverse-world.html