Check with stakeholders concerning which approach to environmental assessment on the ranch they perceive as most effective. Continue reading →
Theme: Audience Information
Development and use of information about a target audience
Findings Navigation: Browse by Audience; Browse by Theme; Browse by Best Education Practice; Browse by multiple topics
McCowan, L. & M. Smolen. (2004) Finding 3
Identify specific education needs, for example the percent of households with drinking water that does not meet public health standards. Continue reading →
Hargrove, K. (2004) Finding 2
Implement a program design survey to
- Determine citizen perceptions and knowledge about water quality
Mahler, R. L., Simmons, R. and and Sorenson, F. (2004) Finding 1
Implement a program design survey to
- Assess public attitudes and interests about water.
Kromm, D. E., & White, S. E. (1991) Finding 1
Collect and assess data about the following, prior to developing the outreach program:
- Regional audience preferences for where to get information and which source is reliable
Nelson, D. R., & Trede, L. D. (2000, December 2000) Finding 1
Collect and assess data about the following, prior to developing the outreach program:
- Approach and materials for training new farmers based on input from farmers
Nowak, P., O’Keefe, G. J., Bennett, C., Anderson, S., & Trumbo, C. (1997) Finding 2
Collect and assess data about the following, prior to developing the outreach program:
- Producer assessment of project BMP recommendations prior to implementing outreach program
Padgitt, S. C. (1989) Finding 2
Create information, communication and education design to address research-based information about farmer characteristics, such as:
- Priorities: profitability of agriculture; quality of drinking water; agriculture health and safety; controlling soil erosion
- Lack of concern about threats to groundwater quality on their own property, but concerned about the problem elsewhere [relates to research findings about farmer minimization of the threat of risk when the source is familiar, voluntary, controllable]
Shepard, R. A.Yencha & K. Klingberg. (2004) Finding 1
Use a comprehensive pre-survey; conservation plans, soil tests, workshops, and farm visits during the growing seasons as a basis for developing relevant land and water education programs. Continue reading →
Vickery, J. C. (2004) Finding 1
Use in-depth discussion and interviews to provide a useful finding about target audience interests and preferences about farm management topics. Continue reading →