4-H Youth in Action: Developing passion. Finding purpose. Inspiring others.

December 10 is Human Rights Day, the day in 1948 that the United Nations General Assembly adopted the Universal Declaration of Human Rights.   Why is Chris Clover learning more about Human Rights Day?

In WI 4-H, we know that for youth to find and share their ‘sparks’, their human rights need to be met, no matter who they are or where they live in the state.  https://4h.extension.wisc.edu/the-movement/

Below are some resources Chris Clover used to learn more about Human Rights Day.  Here are some questions, Chris had to guide our learning and sharing in our communities:  What human rights were you aware of?  What are you observing in your community?  How will you be a youth leader in human rights today?

Chris hopes that you take 10 minutes to learn more about human rights and their history here:

Chris likes to learn using picture books

Chris needed help from an adult, but if you want to read the Declaration, you can find it here

Chris Clover is so proud to represent all the 4-H Youth in Action creating change.  4‑H is proud to share the diverse stories and unique perspectives of 4‑H’ers who are leaders in their communities. 4‑H Youth in Action Award winners come from every corner of America and are impacting their local communities in astounding ways.   Read about the most recent winners and their impact:  Developing passion. Finding purpose. Inspiring others.

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