Forms & Applications

Club Annual Charter Renewal and Financial Report

Annual Charter Renewal

The 4-H Charter indicates that a 4-H Club or Group is organized in accordance with the objectives of the Wisconsin 4-H program. The University of Wisconsin-Madison, Division of Extension grants 4-H Charters which formally authorizes a Wisconsin 4-H Club or Group to use the 4-H Name and Emblem for educational purposes in accordance with laws and regulations established by Congress and the U.S. Department of Agriculture.

Financial Reporting for 4-H Clubs and Groups

All 4-H Clubs and Groups that have a checking and/or savings account must complete the Articles of Organization and have an Employee Identification Number before any accounts can be opened.

In addition, 4-H Clubs and Groups that have a checking and/or savings account must annually complete and submit their AFR Binder to the 4-H Program Educator by September 1.

Click here for more information about Club Annual Charter Renewal and Financial Reporting.

Scholarship Applications

Are you interested in applying for scholarships to help make higher education more affordable? If so, please visit this page frequently to check for additional opportunities.

UW-Madison Scholarships

If you are planning to attend UW-Madison or are currently a student at UW-Madison, take some time to apply for scholarships–they are available in all academic areas! Check out the UW-Madison Wisconsin Scholarship Hub! Deadlines vary.

Record Requirement Forms

Records are an integral and required part of a 4-H members experience in order to achieve for the 4-H year. Click on “Options to Meet the Record Requirement for Achievement” below to access information on those options, then click on the appropriate link to explore those options.  NOTE:  Only ONE of these options is required for achievement, but you can do as much as you want!

Options for Members to Meet the Record Requirement for Achievement (pdf)

My 4-H Profile (Word)

My 4-H Profile (pdf)

Record Book Forms

My 4-H Story – Technical Guidelines for electronic submissions (pdf)

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