Tracks Newsletter

Tracks Newsletter Are you interested in forestry or wildlife, or enrolled in Naturespace?  If so, please read “Tracks”–the quarterly newsletter for 4-H members from the Wildlife Habitat Education Program and Forestry projects. Registration information for the Wildlife & Forestry Art Contest is included for the contest on April 1 & 2. Youth in grades 5K […]

Information on Experience (Trip) Scholarships

(Submitted by Daryl Hanson and Michelle Abey, Rock County 4-H Leaders Council Treasurers) Youth who apply for any Wisconsin 4-H Experiences (Trips) or State Teams and are approved, will receive a scholarship for one-third off the cost of that experience. Many of our youth also have carryover or vouchers from the last two years where […]

Youth-Adult Partnership Spotlight–Winter 2022

How Are You(th) Supported? What, or who, are you(th) supports made of?  Are in the ‘right place?  Whose design are you following?  Will everyone be comfortable inside the relationship, or even the conversation, when you are finished? In my work with UW-Madison, Division of Extension in Community Youth Development, I have tried to find as […]

Explore Your Passion for the Great Outdoors!

Still not sure why a scholarship might apply to you today or in your future?  Maybe that’s because your  ‘spark’ will be found in the great outdoors.   Last week we shared about “Tracks”–the quarterly newsletter for 4-H members and the Wildlife WHEP Wisconsin 4-H and Wisconsin 4-H Forestry website! Another great resource is Upham Woods […]

4-H Achievement Program Results

The Rock County 4-H Achievement Program was held on Sun., Dec. 5 at the Craig Center, Rock County Fairgrounds.  Congratulations to all award recipients! (Please see the attached program to see the award recipients.) 2021 Achievement Program Results Booklet.pdf

Exploring 4-H for New Families Newsletters–Club Meetings

If you are new to 4-H (or would like a refresher), please read our Exploring 4-H for New Families Newsletter! One newsletter is for 4-H members and the other newsletter is for adults (parents, guardians, 4-H Volunteers or any adult)! This month’s topic is 4-H Club Meetings. How many of these words do you know? […]

Thank You For Your ‘Spark’ in the JJ Holiday Light Parade!

We had so much fun at the Jolly Jingle last weekend!!  What an amazing opportunity to connect with community organizations with which our 4-H families also share their time and great ideas!  We also were so proud to walk in the light parade alongside Renegades and Badger 4-H clubs.   Congratulations to Renegades 4-H for their […]

Holiday Project Activities

Virtual Cooking and Crafting Camp–Homemade for the Holidays Are you looking for something fun to do during the winter break? If so, join in daily to interact with 4-H professionals from across the country, as they provide hands-on instruction on a variety of holiday treats and crafts. Camp is 9:00 a.m. -12:00 p.m. on Mon., […]

Opportunities for 4-H Members in Grades 10-12!

Wisconsin 4-H is excited to announce that two statewide opportunities are opening up applications/registration starting today! Both the 2022 National 4-H Conference and the 2022 Citizenship Washington Focus programs will be in-person in 2022. Both programs are open to youth in 10-12th grades. The application process for National 4-H Conference will open today and applications will […]

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