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Building Belonging In Rock County

How We Started. . .
It’s never too early to start conversations about diversity, equity and inclusion. One way to start difficult conversations is diverse literature. Pilot programming began in 2021 within the 4-H program youth and families. We continue to celebrate all our youth and adult participants as they Do-Reflect-Apply in partnership on identity and community topics to build belonging. The materials and practices were developed working alongside community partners. These resources provide continued opportunities for programming around the community.
You can access all the information and resources here!
Rock County Programming
In the spaces below, we highlight some of our community opportunities to LEARN WHILE DOING!

Better Together!
We’re back at Palmer Park Wading Pool! Last year we had more participants than ever. Enjoy stories and activities about food that highlight the different cultures of the neighbors in our community. We use some of fun we adapt from 4-H projects and others from our great community partners who LOVE FOOD! Visit the HPL Bookmobile before or after the storytime!
Thursdays at 3 p.m. July 11, 25 and August 8. No registration necessary. In Partnership with City of Janesville Parks & Recreation Division and UW-Madison, Division of Extension Rock County 4-H.
Let’s share all the ways we love and lead through food in our community!

Cultural Celebrations

Rock County 4-H was back at the Jolly Jingle. We partnered with Diversity Action Team of Rock County for a celebration at Trinity Episcopal Church. We loved sharing ways to DO-REFLECT-APPLY in community through amazing volunteers’ multicultural learning activities, storytelling and music.

Opportunities to learn included Native Wintertime storytelling and music presented by Billy Bob Grahn, Bodhi/Buddha’s Enlightenment Day presented by Susan Myoyu Anderson, Lunar New Year presented by Teresa & Dung Nguyen and School District of Janesville Parker and Craig Chinese Club, Mawlid shared by Amir Salih D. R. Erschen (Muslim Dawa Circle) and Hanukkah, Festival of Lights with Edna Feldman-Schultz and Megan Miller (DAT).
We Need You to be You! | 4-H necesita que tu seas tu | 4-H xav kom Koj yog Koj

Have you heard about Chris Clover and the Wisconsin 4-H Movement? Hopefully, you have and are ready to join in on Chris Clover’s next adventure. This time it’s all about YOU.