Wisconsin 4-H State Arts Teams Applications Due Jan. 15, 2022

Three State 4-H Arts Groups are formed every year to give 4-H youth the opportunity to develop their artistic and leadership skills. They then have the opportunity for real-world applications of these skills at the 4-H and Youth Conference and the Wisconsin State Fair.

4-H Drama Company creates a stage performance involving acting, song and dance in the five days leading up to 4-H and Youth Conference. Show content is a collaborative effort between company members and their director. Each Drama Company member contributes ideas for the show and works with the group to problem solve issues on the set and in the script. Drama Company takes their show on to the Wisconsin State Fair where they perform for fair goers from across the state.

4-H Art Team creates artwork around the theme of the Wisconsin 4-H and Youth Conference as well as designing and organizing the WI 4-H and Youth Conference art exhibit, reception and guided exhibit tours. The team members also teach seminars and train to be peer leaders for county and regional events including the Wisconsin State Fair. The 4-H Art Team is led by a professional artist who teaches team members artistic techniques using a variety of mediums.

4-H Communications Team tells the Wisconsin 4-H story using multiple forms of communication, including:  photo, video, social media, blogging and writing about club, county and state 4-H events. Team members develop a mixed-media presentation for delegates attending the Wisconsin 4-H & Youth Conference, as well as taking photos and videos of performances. They create promotional video clips for 4-H & Youth Conference and write articles about 4-H events. Communications Team members learn an abundance of problem solving, writing, photography and leadership skills as members of their team.

If you are in grades 9-13, plan to apply! Applications are due Jan. 15, 2022!

More information is available on the Wisconsin 4-H State Arts Teams website.

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