The Lower Fox Demonstration Farms Network (“Fox Demo Farms”) is a Great Lakes Restoration Initiative (GLRI) project designed to showcase and demonstrate leading edge conservation practices that improve Great Lakes water quality by reducing phosphorus and sediment from entering Green Bay and Lake Michigan. The partnership is the first of its kind in the Great Lakes region and it consists of eight producers within the Fox River Basin, their crop consultants, Brown and Outagamie County Land and Water Conservation Departments, the Natural Resource Conservation Service (NRCS), Green Bay Metropolitan Sewerage District (NEW Water), and the University of Wisconsin-Extension.
10-Year Celebration
2023 marked the 10-year anniversary of the Fox Demo Farms project. When the program started, we had no idea the impact it would have or the momentum it would help generate in Wisconsin and across the Great Lakes. Check out the video to learn more and hear how this project has impacted farming in the Lower Fox River watershed.
Learn more about our project!
Fox Demo Farms Impact Evaluation Report
The Fox Demo Farms began in 2014 and was the first project of its kind in the Great Lakes Basin. The evaluation project was designed to better understand the impacts this project has had on the watershed.

Note: Final report has been compressed to fit online. Please contact Whitney Prestby (whitney.prestby@wisc.edu) if you would like the full-resolution version for printing purposes.
The Great Lakes region has diverse geology, climate, topography, and soil that provide challenges to controlling erosion and non-point source pollution. The diversity of the region creates challenges for managers to develop conservation practice systems that function in a predictable manner while addressing the region’s conservation priorities. The Fox Demo Farms was designed to work closely with producers to address these challenges at the ground level and provide solutions that can be implemented on a large scale throughout the river basin.

The Fox Demo Farms’ mission is to demonstrate the effectiveness and adaptability of conservation practices to reduce erosion and sedimentation, control phosphorus runoff, and address other nonpoint source pollution issues. Additionally, Fox Demo Farms is measuring the feasibility of implementing conservation practices on farms in northeast Wisconsin.
To create a culture that encourages collaborative efforts to restore soil health and reduce runoff pollution, improve water quality, and support a strong regional economy.
The Fox Demo Farms’ objectives are to:
- Establish demonstration farms within the Lower Fox River Basin to test new and standard conservation systems in reducing phosphorus and sediment.
- Establish an efficient mechanism to share this technology and information with farmers, agribusiness, conservation agencies, and the public.
- Create opportunities for others to test their research and program ideas at the demonstration farms.
- Share information and lessons learned from the Fox Demo Farms throughout the Great Lakes basin.