Celebrate the Holidays with 4-H!!

They’re here!  The holidays!  It is wonderful to hear about so many of our clubs celebrating their communities and their 4-H experiences in many different ways from parades to volunteering.   Last year the Extension office participated in the reverse holiday light parade in Janesville.  Thank you to the Rock County 4-H Communications Committee for encouraging […]

Wisconsin 4-H Celebrates the Arts Contest Announced!

Are you an enrolled 4-H Cloverbud or 4-H Member? If you are, plan to enter the Celebrate the Arts 4-H Contest! (Entrants do not need to be enrolled in any specific project to participate.)  The contest has eight different categories: Drawing Using Any Medium Painting (Acrylic, Watercolor or Oil) Pottery, Ceramics or Clay Photography Paper […]

Wisconsin 4-H State Arts Teams Applications Due Jan. 15, 2022

Three State 4-H Arts Groups are formed every year to give 4-H youth the opportunity to develop their artistic and leadership skills. They then have the opportunity for real-world applications of these skills at the 4-H and Youth Conference and the Wisconsin State Fair. 4-H Drama Company creates a stage performance involving acting, song and […]

Get Involved! Sign Up for a Committee or Two!

Families new and old, another great way to continue learning about 4-H in Rock County is to sign up for a committee.  Are you a 4-H member who is in sixth grade or above? Are you a 4-H leader? If so, take a few minutes to sign up for a committee or two. As you […]

Wisconsin 4-H Policy for Participation in Parades

Are you looking to join one of the many fun community holiday parades?  Wisconsin 4-H is committed to providing safe and healthy environments for youth and adults participating in 4-H programs and activities. Preparing floats and participating in parades can be a fun way to promote 4-H, AND there are risks associated with these activities. […]

Learn Together, Lead Together Training for All 4-H Youth Leaders and 4-H Adult Leaders

Join Wisconsin 4-H in a yearlong experience – Learn Together, Lead Together:  Youth-Adult Partnerships!   The first session will be from 6:30-8:00 p.m. on Tues., Nov. 30. The virtual session will be Learn Together, Lead Together:  Building Relationships, Communication and Inclusion.  Use the following link to register. https://go.wisc.edu/7r9x64 A second session will be offered in early […]

The 2021 Shop 4-H Holiday Gift Guide

Spark some 4-H cheer this holiday season! From scarves to hoodies and other thoughtful gifts, this year’s guide has everything you need to cross the entire family off the list! Visit the Shop 4-H website for the perfect gift for every 4-Her!

November is National Native American Heritage Month!

Meet Tashina Red Hawk, a member of Sicangu Lakota Oyate, and her experiences that have inspired her to find her spark and purpose to become a veterinarian! To read more, visit the 4-H website! Community Educational Opportunity Did you know that there were 10 Indian Boarding Schools in Wisconsin and more than 350 across the […]

Wednesday Nite @ The Lab–Every Wednesday Night at 7:00 p.m.

Experience science as exploring the unknown every week at Wednesday Nite at The Lab! Discover the latest from UW-Madison researchers as they describe their investigations and inventions that are changing how we look at life and how we lead our lives. Join the discussion as learners of all ages share their ideas and insights during […]

Exploring 4-H for New Families Newsletters–Projects!

If you are new to 4-H (or would like a refresher), please read our Exploring 4-H for New Families Newsletter! One newsletter is for 4-H members and the other newsletter is for adults (parents, guardians, 4-H Volunteers or any adult)! This month’s topic is the 4-H projects and the Do-Reflect-Apply model! Take some time to […]

Woods Writings

Upham Woods is now officially accredited through the American Camping Association (ACA)! What else is new at Upham Woods Outdoor Learning Center in the Wisconsin Dells? See their monthly newsletter to read about what they have been doing. https://fyi.extension.wisc.edu/uphamwoods/woods–writings-newsletters/

4-H Achievement Program on Sun., Dec. 5!

Save the Date! 4-H Achievement Program on Sun., Dec. 5! (Submitted by Kathy Farrey, Rock County 4-H Sr. Leaders Council Awards Committee) The 2021 Rock County 4-H Achievement Program will be held at the Craig Center, Rock County Fairgrounds, 1301 Craig Ave., Janesville starting at 3:00 p.m., Sun., Dec. 5 to celebrate amazing 4-H members, […]

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