4-H Livestock Team Updates 2023

Opportunities for All 4-H Members–Especially Those in Beef, Sheep, Swine and Meat Goats! Upcoming livestock educational events:  Saturday, March 25, 2023:State Livestock Quiz Bowl and Skillathon Contest: UW-Madison Campus – All day  Opportunity for Juniors, Seniors and Mixed Teams to take care of 2 state contests in one day!Below are links to the resource guides […]

2023 Summer Academy!

Wisconsin 4-H and UW-Madison Division of Extension are excited to announce a new opportunity: the Summer Academy! This program is open to 4-H members in grades 7-10 and will be held from June 19-22 on the UW-Madison campus. Students will experience life in a residence hall while building lifelong friendships with others from across Wisconsin. […]

Important YQCA Information! Time Sensitive!

YQCA is available as an online program for youth everywhere in the United States. YQCA is also offered as an instructor-led training and as a test out certification. Contact the entity requiring your YQCA certification to see which is available in your state, or contact help@yqcaprogram.org. Learn more about each type of training here. Please contact YQCA […]

2023 Century and Sesquicentennial Farm and Home Award Applications

Wisconsin State Fair officials are pleased to announce that applications are now available for the 2023 Century and Sesquicentennial Farm and Home Award, a prestigious award given to families who have dedicated their life to Wisconsin farming for 100 or 150 years. To qualify for the award, families are required to provide proof of continuous family ownership […]

Wisconsin 4-H Space Camp 2023

Explore the stars!  Wisconsin 4-H Space Camp gives students (sixth-ninth grade) the opportunity to experience how to build the skills of an official astronaut!  Space Camp includes a bus ride to Huntsville, Alabama where the three-day Pathfinder Program is held.  Registration opens Tuesday, November 15 in 4HOnline. For more information, visit the Wisconsin 4-H Space […]

Travel Abroad!

Wisconsin 4-H International Programs provide the incredible opportunity to gain the rich cultural experience of traveling abroad while staying with a host family! In the summer of 2023, the featured countries are Costa Rica, Japan and South Korea! The deadline for youth and adults (who would like to chaperone) to apply is December 16. For […]

We Want to Know How 4-H Has Helped You Thrive!

In November, Wisconsin 4-H will be inviting members (ages 13-18) to complete a survey about their 4-H experience. The survey was developed by National 4-H Leaders (https://helping-youth-thrive.extension.org/) and will help Wisconsin 4-H to learn about the quality of our programs. The information will help to show how 4-H helps young people to learn new things, […]

Wisconsin 4-H Shooting Sports Leader Certification Training Workshop

Are you a 4-H Volunteer (at least 21 years old) who is interested in becoming certified in: Archery? Pistol/Air Pistol? Rifle/Air Rifle? If so, plan to attend the Southeastern Workshop from 8:00 a.m.-5:00 pm, Saturday, February 4 at the Washington County Fair Park, West Bend. Registration Deadline is Thursday, January 27. Financial assistance may be available. For […]

Enrollment for the 2022-2023 4-H Year is Open!

It’s time to enroll in Rock County 4-H! The new 4-H year starts October 1, 2022 and ends September 30, 2023. The deadline for re-enrolling 4-H Cloverbuds, Members and Volunteers is November 1, 2022. New 4-H Cloverbuds, Members and Volunteers are welcome to enroll anytime and it’s best to enroll by November 1, 2022, also. […]

Rock County 4-H Awards and Recognition

It’s time to apply for Rock County 4-H awards and recognition! Most forms (but not all) are Google Forms this year. There are opportunities for all youth enrolled in Rock County 4-H during the 2021-2022 4-H Year (September 30, 2021-October 1, 2022) to apply for awards and recognition. (Grades are the grade the Cloverbud or […]

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