It’s been 75 amazing years. Upham Woods needs your feedback and thoughtful ideas to make the 76th year even better. We value your input. Be a part of the process to continue to grow Upham Woods. All 4-H staff and leadership volunteers are invited.
What: Upham Woods 4-H User Groups Meeting: Tuesday, November 29, 2016, 2:45pm-5pm
Where: Upham Woods Outdoor Learning Center, N194 County Road N, Wisconsin Dells, WI 53965
- Provide us with your valuable feedback from your experiences in 2016
- Share and learn from the experiences of other group leaders to make 2017 even more successful!
- Discover other benefits and opportunities that are available by bringing your group to Upham Woods
- Discuss important dates for preparing for this coming Summer
- Take advantage of additional professional development: Attend our Digital Learning Technologies in Outdoor Education training session earlier in the day. 9:30am-2:30pm, lunch provided.
Please R.S.V.P by November 23: