Naturalist Corner: Quinn Bukouricz


Over the nine months that I have been here I have had a very unique perspective of seeing the seasons change and experiencing different programming depending on the season. When I first started at Upham Woods in the early spring, the first couple groups I worked with still had snow on the ground while they were at camp. Everyone bundled up and enjoyed activities focused around winter ecology, winter outdoor survival, and fun outdoor games. During the spring we got to see the rush of spring meltwater on the Wisconsin River. Once the weather started to get warmer, our programming changed to include more Peanut Butter Mountain and hikes around main camp or on the North Shore trail. Many groups chose to venture across to Black Hawk Island to explore. With summer came an unlimited amount of activities with lots of Outpost trips.  Now that fall is upon us here at Upham Woods, the weather is starting to cool down and we can see nature preparing for winter. Lots of groups enjoying archery and working with our program animals. Although the seasons and lessons may change, the campers’ experiences never change, and this has been the most rewarding aspect of my time here.