Group Checklist


When your group decides to use Upham Woods:

  • Visit the Upham Woods calendar to determine dates available to your group. If you are unsure about the availability of dates, please contact the Administrative Assistant & Financial Director, Molly Bodde at or call (608) 254-5744.
  • View our program offerings (you can even filter by season & topic area)
  • Complete an online reservation request. A signed Facilities Use Agreement and deposit by the stated deadline on your agreement is required to hold dates. 
  • Your group will typically be billed within one month of your visit.

Things to keep in mind:

Health Services/First-Aid:

  • First Aid Coordinators:    Please note these requirements have been revised to align with updates to the WI State Administrative Code for Recreational and Educational Camps (ATCP 78).
    • For Groups Visiting for 3 nights or less
      • Requirements for all First Aid Coordinators: The primary First Aid Coordinator shall meet at least one of the qualifications listed below. State law requires that each visiting group bring a “First Aid Coordinator” meeting these requirements.
        • First Aid Certification: American Red Cross or American Heart Association for basic CPR and AED or equivalent (for American Red Cross this includes the in-person skills assessment).
        • Administering Medications: First Aid Coordinators not licensed as physicians, registered nurses, physician assistants, or practical nurses in Wisconsin must take the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction online course Medication Administration Principles each year (free).
    • For Groups Visiting for more than 3 nights
      • Requirements for Primary First-Aid Coordinator: The primary First-Aid Coordinator shall meet at least one of the qualifications listed below. State law requires that each visiting group bring a “First-Aid Coordinator” who meets these requirements.
        • A physician licensed in Wisconsin pursuant to s. 033, Stats.
        • A registered nurse licensed in Wisconsin pursuant to s. 115 (3), Stats.
        • A physician assistant licensed in Wisconsin.
        • A practical nurse licensed in Wisconsin.
        • A National Athletic Trainers Association certified trainer.
        • An emergency medical services practitioner, as defined in s. 01 (5), Stats.
        • A person currently certified as completing the American Red Cross responding to emergencies course.
        • A person currently certified as completing a wilderness first aid course as approved by DATCP.
      • Requirements for Additional First Aid Coordinators: All First Aid Coordinators (the primary First Aid Coordinator and any additional third-party Staff serving in this role) shall hold current certification from the American Red Cross or American Heart Association for basic CPR and AED or equivalent.
      • Administering Medications: First Aid Coordinators not licensed as physicians, registered nurses, physician assistants, or practical nurses in Wisconsin must take the Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction online course Medication Administration Principles each year (free).
    • Participants
      • Each participant must bring a signed health form (by parent or guardian in the youth’s case), including a complete medical history, guardian’s consent for emergency medical treatment, and an indication of any special needs. The group’s First Aid Coordinator will keep these forms, and the group will retain the health forms and health log after the visit.
  • Food Service
    • All visiting groups using Upham Woods Food Service must provide a designated “Dining Hall Supervisor” responsible for ensuring the group’s adherence to dining hall procedures. The Dining Hall Supervisor must be an adult.  (Dining Hall Supervisor Instructions – PDF Document) 
  • All youth and adults must sign the UW System Agreement for Assumption of Risk form, bring it to camp, and leave the original at Upham Woods.

60 days or more in advance:

  • Check on insurance for your group visit. Upham Woods does not provide blanket accident insurance coverage for visitors.
  • Have all youth and adults complete a UW System Agreement for Assumption of Risk form. We must have a completed and signed Health Form (signed by parent or guardian for youth under 18) and Assumption of Risk form for everyone at camp, adults included.
  • Adult and/or Youth Expectation Forms are available to reinforce youth and adult awareness of Upham Woods policies and rules. Expectation forms are optional.

30 or more days in advance:

  • Assign a First Aid Coordinator for your group meeting the qualifications above.
  • Assign an adult to serve as Dining Hall Supervisor (cafeteria monitor).
  • Your Food Service Agreement Form and Program Coordination Form must be received by Upham Woods at least 30 days before your planned visit, or your group may be charged late fees.
  • Upon receiving a group’s Food Service Agreement and Program Coordination Form, Upham Woods staff will contact the group leader to review the schedule and confirm that all requests are understood. This usually occurs 2-3 weeks before the group’s arrival date.

14 days or more in advance:

  • Update the Program Planning and Outreach Coordinator with a final number if your participant numbers have changed via email.
  • Assign table setters and clean-up crews for each meal.
  • Assign dorm/cabin lodging assignments. 
    • Dorms should be filled to maximum occupancy, with four participants per dorm room. Total number of rooms made available and billing will be calculated based on quad occupancy. Billing adjustments will be made based on age, gender, and total number of participants staying in the dorm.
  • Verify that all youth and adults have completed the UW System Agreement for Assumption of Risk and Photo Release Form. These forms must be submitted to your liaison upon your arrival.

When your group arrives:

  • Group Leader: Check in with your liaison and provide them with the following:
    • The confirmed count of individuals in your group and an updated roster. This information is used for emergencies and to reduce food waste.
    • All Assumption of Risk forms, Photo Releases, and the First Aid Coordinator verification of requirements if not submitted before your visit.
  • Youth and Adults will attend a 20-30-minute Orientation by the Upham Woods staff. Simultaneous but separate orientations will be held for adults and youth.
    • Note: you will be provided with a recorded orientation for adults available for review before arrival so that some of the group’s adults can supervise Youth Orientation.

When your group departs:

  • Have groups assigned to clean all areas of camp used. Upham Woods’ staff provides a clean-up checklist for your group.
  • Upham staff will make available a solution of anti-bacterial soap & water for your group to wipe cabin bed mattresses.
  • Inspect cabins, dorm rooms, and program areas for cleanliness, lost items, and possible damage.
  • Check out from buildings with your Upham Woods liaison to assess if there is any damage or lost equipment.
  • Complete an online Evaluation of Upham Woods. 
  • Retain your Health Forms and Health Log for the required 7-year period.