Animal Expo Day

On Saturday morning, December 8th at Upham Woods Teaching Naturalists Megan and Ariel prepared the Nature Center for Animal Expo Day. It was a public event for nature lovers of all ages to meet the education animals of Upham Woods. During the event, folks were able to observe and explore in some of the rooms that had tables […]


Naturalist Corner: Megan’s Winter Tracking Expedition

Naturalist Megan Giefer goes on a winter adventure: Have you ever wondered what footprints you are peering at in the white, fluffy snow? During this time of year, we know that animals are making their presence, but now we can see what is crawling around. The tracks in the snow can tell us many stories: from […]


Naturalist Corner: Ariel and the Song of the Snowbird

Naturalist Ariel Christian shares the story of a special, wintry bird: No one says “winter is here” quite like the little, gray songbird we call the dark-eyed junco. You may have seen this sparrow also known as the “snowbird” flutter by your window or shifting the fallen leaves in your backyard. When these feathered friends arrive in […]


Paddle Day at Upham Woods gets big response

Sunday, October 21 st  marked the single most highly attended public event at Upham Woods. Through a special grant from Patagonia & Fontana Sports, the Natural Resources Foundation (NRF), and the Wisconsin Association of Environmental Education (WAEE), Upham Woods was able to host a Wisconsin River Paddle Day that was both open to the public and free for […]


Successful WAEE Fall Conference at Upham Woods

The Wisconsin Association for Environmental Education held its annual conference at Upham Woods this past month.  This year’s 2018 WAEE Annual Conference was focused on Equity in Environmental Education.  Over 150 participants coming from a wide variety of organizations connected to environmental education came to Upham Woods over the course of the two day conference. A variety of workshops were offered […]


DOTS Experiences at Upham Woods

The land that Upham Woods sits upon has a deep and engaging story to tell. Whether it is the complex ecological interactions on Blackhawk Island or the ever-changing water conditions of the Wisconsin River, there is endless opportunity to research and explore. The Digital Observation Technology Skills (DOTS) Program is a flexible scientific approach that […]


Science Strikes Back 2019

We are proud to announce EPA funding for the Science Strikes Back community science fair and thank the EPA for its grant funding of this project. Science Strikes Back: Empowering Students and Educators to Impact Urban Watersheds (SSB) will connect educators and students in the Milwaukee metropolitan area with the training and tools necessary to engage in hands-on environmental education and water quality monitoring. By […]


Naturalist Corner: Alex and the Outpost Experience

   The Outpost Experience: A summer of adventures in the outdoors With summer soon behind us and the outpost room at Upham Woods cleaned and packed for a long season nap, I took a moment in-between folding tents and washing the dishes to reflect on the different outpost experiences that I was able to observe […]


Naturalist Corner: Hayley Watches Her Tadpoles Grow Up

Have you ever had the chance to raise a puppy to adulthood or see someone you have known your whole life grow up? Well, this summer I got the opportunity to do exactly that, but with frogs. When I was told that we could add some frogs to our nature centers animal room as education […]


Naturalist Corner: Brooke with Some Cool Facts You Otter Know

Summer Naturalist Brooke talks about a personal favorite (and can’t resist the puns): There are many different types of animals and critters that reside in Upham’s backyard, the Wisconsin River. One of the coolest and my personal favorite is the otter. There are thirteen known species of otter but the Northern River Otter is what […]