Prior to Your Visit
Step 1
Submit a reservation request; view the availability calendar to help you determine potential dates for your visit (note: reservation requests that are pending may not be reflected in availability for 5-10 days).
- Upham Woods’ Administrative Assistant Director will review your request and respond via email with a Facilities Use Agreement based on requested dates (utilizing 2nd, 3rd, or 4th choices if necessary) and add your reservation to our calendar. If none of the dates requested are available; a response with other date opportunities currently available may be provided. Staff will respond by providing you with a Facilities Use Agreement, which includes the amount of your deposit for the space.
- Notes about the reservation process:
- Reservation requests can be submitted up to 12 months before your intended visit.
- All requests for dates are subject to first come-first served based on availability.
- If you have specific questions on availability please contact Molly Bodde at or 608-254-5744.
- Invoices for deposits will be invoiced beginning with Reservation Requests submitted May 20, 2024, or later. This will be sent to the group organizer unless a billing contact is provided on the reservation request submission.
Step 2
Return the Facilities Use Agreement and pay your deposit by the due date on the agreement (typically 30 days from request, shorter if the request is received less than 60 days before visit dates).
- If clarifications or changes are required to the Facilities Use Agreement reply in the email chain to Molly Bodde at
- If you are no longer interested in retaining your dates, please notify Molly via email in response to the Facilities Use Agreement so we can release them promptly and credit your deposit invoice if applicable.
- Failure to return the Facilities Use Agreement by the due date may result in forfeiture of your reservation (please contact Molly if you are approaching this deadline and an extension to your due date is needed.
Step 3
30 days before (this due date is provided in the email with your Facilities Use Agreement) your visit; return your Food Service Agreement and Program Coordination Form. After you submit your Program Coordination Form, a program coordinator will be in touch to begin planning your visit, including creating a schedule.
- Note the following information should be ready for completing your Program Coordination Form
- The current number of participants (adults & youth)
- Name of first aid coordinator
- Lodging requests (specific cabins or number of dorm rooms and linens)
- Program Schedule
- Specific Educational Objective
- Preferred programs (Current Program Offerings)
- Accommodation Requests
- Billing Contact Information
Step 4
14 Days before (the due date is provided in the email with your Facilities Use Agreement) your visit, submit a final count and a participant log with names of all attendees (youth and adult) to Upham Woods’ Planning and Outreach Program Coordinator. Arrangements to schedule and lodging will be finalized between the group organizer and the Program Planning and Outreach Coordinator.
- Upham Woods will bill you based on your 14-day or actual attendance numbers, whichever is larger. If updated numbers are not provided by your 14-day deadline, Upham Woods will bill you based on your 30-day numbers or the number in attendance, whichever is larger.
On the Day of Your Visit
Visiting groups must maintain a 1:10 adult-to-youth ratio with a minimum of 2 adults. You must assign a First Aid Coordinator and Dining Hall Supervisor
Forms Retained by Groups (Must be accessible while on site; Upham Woods will only request copies in cases of a reportable incident)
- Health Forms
- Health forms must be on-site, but they stay with the group, and the group ensures the security of these forms. You are expected to utilize your school or organization’s existing forms.
Forms submitted to Upham Woods upon arrival
- Assumption of Risk Form
- UW System Agreement for Assumption of Risk Form – (PDF Document, 1 page, 60 KB)
- Acuerdo de asunción de riesgo – Español – (PDF Document, 2 pages, 20 KB)
- Photo Release
- Upham Photo Release – (PDF Document, 1 page, 36 KB)
- Formulario de Autoración del uso de fotografías- Español – (PDF Document, 1 page, 49 KB)
- Demographics Reporting Form – (PDF Document, 1 page, 803 KB)
After Your Visit
After your visit, we ask you to fill out an Evaluation Survey and the Demographics Reporting if not already provided. You will be invoiced for your visit within approximately 30 days.
Helpful Links for Organizing Your Group
- Reserving a Date – View our Calendar
- Application and Other Forms
- Program Overview and Guide
- Group Coordinator’s Checklist
- Rates and Regulations
- Sample Schedules
- Sample Packing List
- Tour of Upham Woods
- Cabin and Dorm Room Diagrams and Capacities
- Food Service
- Adult and Youth Orientations
- Map and Directions
- Contact Us
Groups We Serve
Upham Woods is a year-round, residential outdoor learning center serving organized groups including schools, 4-H camps, scout groups, youth and adult conferences and retreats, and adult education workshops. Throughout the year we are open to the public with a diverse and fun series of public program days. We also partner with local community organizations to provide after school and community-based programs. Our experienced staff provide outreach through local library programs, on-site classroom programming, and participation in other local community organization events.
Organizing a Program Booklet for Youth
If you are interested in creating a program booklet, may we suggest some popular ideas? Some things you might want to include are:
- A statement of goals and objectives
- The daily schedule
- A map of Upham Woods
- A list of teachers/chaperones involved
- A description of teachers’/chaperones’ role while at camp (i.e. who is first aid person, cafeteria person, arts and crafts person, etc.)
- Group names with a list of youth in each group
- Teachers/chaperones assigned to which groups
- A page for youth expectations/objectives
- Clean-up and table setter assignments
- A map of Black Hawk Island
- Behavior expectations
- Campfire songs
- Scavenger hunts
- Cabin assignments
- Journal pages
- Blank pages for notes on lessons for follow up back in classroom
You can use these suggestions or ask the Program Coordinator for more.
Youth’s Objectives
Give youth a chance to set their own objectives or decide as a group. By letting them have ownership of the experience their visit to Upham Woods will be greatly enhanced. Students can write down these thoughts in the booklet. Perhaps these thoughts could be used as a time capsule for the end of the school year to see how students have changed. Perhaps they could be used as a “words-of-wisdom” for the group that comes to camp the next year.