UW-Madison Extension Fond du Lac County aims to make
Fond du Lac County agriculture strong and competitive
while conserving and protecting natural resources.
Wednesday, November 9 @1:00 pm Register at https://extension.wisc.edu/events/
It looks like milk prices will continue well above 2021 and be the highest milk prices since record prices were set back in 2014. Milk production is not likely to increase much in 2022. Higher feed prices, labor shortages, higher other input costs, and fewer heifers as dairy replacements expected to calve within the next 12 months, 2.7% lower than a year ago, will all hinder increases in milk production.
In-person training is offered on March 8, 2022. Other training and testing options are available. Additional testing session date added on March 22, 2022.
January 1, 2022, three regional ag educators to focus on Dairy, Crops & Soils, and Farm Management for the four-county area.
Farmers have until March 15, 2022, to finalize their election decision and according to Paul Mitchell, UW Madison Professor of Ag and Applied Economics and Extension Specialist, the short answer for 2022 is “Enroll in County ARC”.
In-person training is offered on March 8, 2022. Other training and testing options are available.
Your Ag team at Extension Fond du Lac County has posted the most recent e-newsletter! If you’re not already receiving it, take a minute to sign up with this form.
If you are unable to attend an in-person training, certification can be completed online at https://www.bqa.org/.
Have you thought about applying for a grant but weren’t sure where to start? On Wednesday, October 6 and Thursday, October 7 UW-Madison Extension will host a 2-part webinar to introduce farmers and agricultural professionals to grant opportunities in agriculture.
Fifty-four (54) samples were submitted to UW-Marshfield Soils and Forage Laboratory for analysis on September 7, 2021. Overall the moisture was approximately 64.07% to 75.52% moisture. Results of the September 7 corn silage dry down View the Corn Silage Moisture Testing webpage Thank you to the following businesses for their financial support: Country Visions | […]
Pricing corn silage is a difficult decision because it often comes at a time when the emotions of sellers and buyers are high. The seller has the opportunity to sell a cornfield for either silage or grain and incorporate the fertilizer value of the stover back into the field. The buyer has the opportunity to […]
Pricing corn silage is a difficult decision because it often comes at a time when the emotions of sellers and buyers are high. The seller has the opportunity to sell a cornfield for either silage or grain and incorporate the fertilizer value of the stover back into the field. The buyer has the opportunity to […]
One hundred twenty-nine (129) samples were submitted to UW-Marshfield Soils and Forage Laboratory for analysis on August 31, 2021. Overall the moisture was approximately 58.17% to 75.46% moisture. Results of the August 31 corn silage dry down View the Corn Silage Moisture Testing webpage Thank you to the following businesses for their financial support: Country […]
Corn silage is unique compared to other multi-cut forage systems, such as alfalfa, as there is only one opportunity to harvest the crop annually. Therefore, farmers, agronomists, and agricultural professionals must diligently monitor corn silage acres to identify the optimal harvest time to maximize forage yield and quality, as well as to ensure the proper […]
August 24 Corn Silage Dry Down Results Thirty (30) samples were submitted to UW-Marshfield Soils and Forage Laboratory for analysis on August 24, 2021 with overall moisture approximately 68.49% to 75.60%. The best lactation performance by dairy cows has been shown to occur when corn silage is harvested at 65-70 percent moisture. This range of whole plant […]
University of Wisconsin-Madison Division of Extension Agriculture & Center for Dairy Profitability Emeritus Professor Bob Cropp Cheese prices are much weaker in June than early May with dry whey prices lower and butter prices higher. In early May on the CME cheddar barrels were $1.81 per pound, 40-pound cheddar blocks $1.80, dry whey $0.66 and […]
During extreme cold or hot temperatures, calves utilize extra nutrients to maintain their core body temperature. The temperature range at which a calf uses no additional energy to maintain its core body temperature is called the thermoneutral zone. For a newborn calf, a calf maintains its core body temperature with no additional nutrients from 50° F […]
May 20, 2021 Milk prices continue to strengthen since their low in February. The February Class III price was $15.75 and had increased to $17.67 in April with May forecasted to be around $18.90. The February Class IV price was $13.19 and had increased to $15.42 in April with May forecasted to around $16.20. The […]
The “fair” value of any given alfalfa stand can vary tremendously. The absence of daily quotes as compared to other agricultural commodities (grains) requires us to rely on the most recent hay market prices available. In this article, Extension Outagamie County Crops and Soils Agent Kevin Jarek discusses how to determine the value of standing […]
Extension Fond du Lac, Sheboygan, Washington, and Ozaukee Counties will be hosting a Tractor Safety Course for youth ages 12-16 years of age. The course includes eight (8) one-hour virtual meetings on Tuesday evenings (7 pm to 8 pm) and Saturday mornings (9 am to 10 am), April 8-May 1, with an in-person written and […]
Mark your calendars for Symposium 2021, presented virtually Feb. 16-17, and hosted by the Midwest Forage Association, Wisconsin Custom Operators, Professional Nutrient Applicators Association of Wisconsin, and University of Wisconsin Extension. Although it is virtual, you will still have access to live educational sessions, an exhibit hall, and on-demand sessions. You will also be able to […]
Join us for A UW-Madison Extension & MFA Local Forage Council Virtual Forum on February 10, 2021 from 12:30 – 1:45 pm. Tom Kilcer of Advanced Ag Systems presents on Alternative forages when alfalfa fails. Certified Crop Advisor, Certified Pesticide Applicator, 34 years as a Cornell Cooperative Extension multi-county Field Crop and Soils Educator, and […]
All producers have the opportunity to sign up for either the Agriculture Risk Coverage (ARC) or the Price Loss Coverage (PLC) program by March 15, 2021. This voluntary program provides payments to farms when either revenue or crop price are below set guarantees. The decision is made on a crop by crop basis at the […]
Did you know that under Wisconsin statutes, a farmland lease for more than one year must be in writing and signed by both parties in order to be enforceable? Leasing land without a written lease can get messy quickly. As Phil Harris, former Ag Law Specialist for UW-Madison Extension once said, “If you’re entering into […]
Due to COVID-19, WDATCP is extending certifications that expire from January 31, 2020 through November 30, 2021 to December 31, 2021. If this extension does not apply to you, a new Online Temporary Certification is available and expires December 31, 2021. Please visit https://patstore.wisc.edu for details and registration. MANUALS: Manuals are $30 and available through […]
Birth and the time immediately after is the most hazardous time in the life of a dairy calf. On average, between 5 and 7 percent of calves on U.S. dairy farms are either stillborn or die in the first 48 hours of life. As care takers, we can provide best management practices the first 24 hours to help […]
We made some changes and added new options to this year’s program to help keep our communities safer. MANUALS: Manuals are $30 and available through the following options: Online at https://patstore.wisc.edu Mail-order form at https://go.wisc.edu/patbook and send it with a check. In-person at the Fond du Lac Extension office. Call for availability. Masks are required. […]
Whether you’re interested in dairy production, livestock production, or farm management, the University of Wisconsin-Madison Division of Extension’s Farm Ready Research webinar series has the most up-to-date information for you. Beginning in December 2020 and continuing through April 2021, Extension experts will host webinars throughout the week on topics ranging from determining cost of production […]
Expansion of the Coronavirus Food Assistance Program Begins September 21: Contact your local USDA FSA office with questions and for assistance WASHINGTON, Sept. 18, 2020 – President Donald J. Trump and U.S. Secretary of Agriculture Sonny Perdue today announced up to an additional $14 billion for agricultural producers who continue to face market disruptions and […]
The results from our corn silage dry down are in. With early planting and strong growing conditions in 2020, we are on track to get our corn harvested in a much more timely fashion this fall. Remember that we generally plan to lose about ½% moisture per day this time of the year. More when […]
The results from our corn silage dry down are in. With early planting and strong growing conditions in 2020, we are on track to get our corn harvested in a much more timely fashion this fall. Remember that we generally plan to lose about ½% moisture per day this time of the year. More when […]
The results from our first corn silage dry down are in. With early planting and strong growing conditions in 2020, we are on track to get our corn harvested in a much more timely fashion this fall. Remember that we generally plan to lose about ½% moisture per day this time of the year. More […]
The Fond du Lac County Forage Council and Extension are hosting the 2020 Corn Silage Dry Down Days on three consecutive Tuesdays: August 25, September 1, and September 8 at Country Visions Cooperative, 457 W 11th Street, Fond du Lac. No fee Morning of the dry down day, cut 4 to 5 stalks at chopper […]
July 1, 12:30 PM – 1:30 PM Register by 5:00 PM on June 30: https://go.wisc.edu/3n0680 Badger Crop Connect is a new crop production webinar series developed by the University of Wisconsin-Madison Extension Crops and Soils Program for the 2020 growing season. Badger Crop Connect’s goal is to bring agronomists, crops consultants and farmers timely crop updates for […]
Dairy Situation and Outlook, June 18, 2020 By Bob Cropp, Professor Emeritus University of Wisconsin Cooperative Extension University of Wisconsin-Madison Milk prices have been volatile, but it looks like volatility will be a record in 2020. In January, the Class III prices was $17.05. By May it had fallen to $12.14. But it looks like […]
Over the last 5 years, Wisconsin land values remained strong despite difficult economic conditions and substantial losses in the number of dairy farms. UW-Madison Extension & UW-River Falls Farm Management Specialist Simon Jette-Nantel provides a statewide overview of agricultural land values/prices across Wisconsin based on a statistical analysis of more than 8,000 actual sales from […]
The Coronavirus Food Assistance Program (CFAP) requires farmers to convert their 2019 crop production and unpriced crop inventories on hand on January 15, 2020 to dry grain equivalents. Additional UW tools and resources are available. Farmers can follow these steps to complete the CFAP Payment Application: Determine which crops grown in 2019 are eligible for payments. Calculate 2019 […]
Family-owned farms, food processors, and agriculture-related businesses generate thousands of jobs and millions of dollars of economic activity for Fond du Lac County while contributing to local income and tax revenues. Find out how Agriculture benefits Fond du Lac County.
Dairy Situation and Outlook, May 20, 2020 By Bob Cropp, Professor Emeritus University of Wisconsin Cooperative Extension University of Wisconsin-Madison Milk price forecasts can change rather dramatically from one month to another. This is the situation between the April price forecast and the May forecast. In April it looked like the May Class III price […]
Heart of the Farm – Women in Agriculture ‘Coffee Chat’ series The Heart of the Farm-Women in Agriculture Conference series is an Extension program that addresses the needs of farm women by providing education on farm business topics, connecting them with agricultural resources and creating support networks. Due to COVID-19 we were not able to host […]
USDA will soon begin taking applications for the Coronavirus Food Assistance Program. As part of applying for the program, you’ll need to contact the Farm Service Agency county office at your local USDA Service Center to schedule an appointment. (Application period not yet open) Whether your farm is large or small, if you’ve lost business due to […]
The University of Wisconsin-Madison, Division of Extension will offer a program for agribusiness professionals to provide information about best practices during the dry/transition period. The program will be offered as a three-part webinar series on Thursdays, May 28, June 4, and June 11, 2020. The transition from late gestation to early lactation is challenging for […]
Over the last couple months, the dairy industry has experienced increased turmoil. We’ve heard about milk being dumped, grocery stores limiting milk purchases, dairy markets sliding, and processors asking farms for continued reduced milk production. What is going on and what can we do to get through this? “Looking Ahead for Dairy” is the fifth webinar […]
Badger Crop Connect May 20, 12:30 PM – 1:15 PM Register by 5:00 PM on May 19: https://go.wisc.edu/jn9z00 Badger Crop Connect is a new webinar series developed by the University of Wisconsin-Madison Extension Crops and Soils Program to bring farmers and agronomists timely crop updates for the state of Wisconsin. This will be a bi-weekly webinar starting […]
What Farmers Need to Know: Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL) and Paycheck Protection Program (PPP) May 12 @ 2pm | Webinar Watch live: https://youtu.be/i2YJ9r_6ibg Join us to learn more about the Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL) and Paycheck Protection Program (PPP). The Wisconsin Small Business Development Center, Compeer Financial, and UW-Madison Division of Extension presenters will […]
By Bob Cropp, Professor Emeritus University of Wisconsin Cooperative Extension University of Wisconsin-Madison COVID-19 resulted in the closing of schools, conferences, restaurants, food service, sporting events and other activities. The sales of milk and dairy products was seriously impacted, particularly cheese and butter. As people were advised to stay home retail sales increased as did […]
Crop Update & Feeding Byproducts Thursday, April 23, 2020 | 1:00 pm to 2:30 pm Register by 4:30 pm, April 22 at https://go.wisc.edu/nlgp93 Over the last several weeks, the dairy industry has experienced increased turmoil. We’ve heard about milk being dumped, grocery stores limiting milk purchases, dairy markets sliding, and processors asking farms for reduced milk production. What […]
The University of Wisconsin’s Nutrient and Pest Management (NPM) Program works with a wide range of partners to promote agricultural practices for protecting water quality while maintaining or improving farm profitability. The NPM Program serves Wisconsin farmers and the agricultural professionals who assist them. The program links farmers and researchers allowing for the exchange of knowledge on […]
One of the challenges for pricing standing hay is the lack of an established commodity market like corn or soybeans. Another challenge is multiple cuttings with different quality and yield, versus a single year end harvest for grain crops. As a result, the price for standing hay often varies from farm to farm, even between […]
During these times of lower profitability each management decision is also a financial opportunity that can help a farm achieve a profitability. UW-Madison Extension Crop & Soils Program Area provides University resources designed to help you approach each crop production and marketing decision as an opportunity to be more efficient and with a financially beneficial […]
Please see the attached documents outlining the Wisconsin DNR’s Environmental Compliance Roadmap in response to the COVID–19 pandemic. Additional information can be found at the DHS website and the CDC website. COVID19_EnvironmentalComplianceProcessFINAL.pdf COVID-19 COMPLIANCE RELEASE.pdf
In cases where a dairy producer is unable to ship their milk to a processor, this factsheet is to provide general information regarding the potential feeding of unpasteurized milk to the dairy herd. Before feeding unpasteurized milk, consult with your nutritionist and veterinarian or your local extension educator/agent. According to Wisconsin Department of Agriculture, Trade, […]
UW-Madison Extension will be offering a Farm Bill ARC/PLC informational meeting on January 24th, 10:00 AM on the UW-Oshkosh at Fond du Lac campus in room AE 205-206. The USDA Farm Service Agency (FSA) announced signup is underway for the PLC and ARC Program election. The FSA offices administer the program signup and have announced […]
Building Our Dairy Future: Robotics Milking Systems Performance & Efficiency AMS FACILITY DESIGN CONSIDERATIONS – Jouni Pitkäranta, Architect, 4dbarn ECONOMICS OF AUTOMATIC MILKING & USER EXPERIENCES – Jim Salfer, Regional Dairy Educator, University of Minnesota Extension LABOR EFFICIENCY IN AMS BARNS – Jouni Pitkäranta, Architect, 4dbarn ROBOTS: THE GOOD, THE BAD, THE UNKNOWN – Panelists: […]
The January 7, 2020 Agronomy Update in Fond du Lac hosts UW-Madison Agronomists Joe Lauer and Shawn Conley to discuss the following topics: CORN Post-mortem of the 2019 corn planting season Variability of the 2019 trials and what it means for selecting hybrids Corn nutrient uptake during grain filling The corn stover project SOYBEANS & […]
Why become BQA Certified? Beef Quality Assurance is a national program that raises consumer confidence by offering training in proper management techniques and by a commitment to quality within every segment of the beef industry. Effective January 1, 2019, several large packers and processors will only purchase from BQA or Dairy FARM certified farms. Buyers […]
Registration is open for the Fond du Lac County Forage Council & UW-Madison Extension annual Dairy-Forage Day. The agenda includes lunch and the following speakers: John Goeser, Research and Innovation Director of Animal Nutrition, Rock River Laboratories and UW-Madison Dairy Science Adjunct Professor “Optimizing nutrition programs after winter and tumultuous growing seasons” Wyatt Smith, Dairy Specialist, VitaPlus […]
The October 14 University of Wisconsin-Madison Division of Extension Agriculture Team Forage Hay Market Demand and Price Report is now online! Hay prices remain strong for top quality hay. Hay supplies remain tight with a good supply of lower quality hay. Straw prices are for oat, barley, or wheat straw. Prices are steady to strong this […]
Pest Management Update Meeting Thursday, November 7, 2019 | 9 am—12 pm Fond du Lac Campus, UW-Oshkosh | 400 University Drive, Fond du Lac | Room UC-113/114 Presentations on pest management information for Wisconsin field and forage crops. Speakers are Mark Renz and Rodrigo Werle, weed scientists, Damon Smith, plant pathologist, and Bryan Jensen, entomologist. 3.0 […]
The Extension Fond du Lac County office welcomes Joe Zimbric as the new Crops & Soils Agent! Joe recently completed his MS degree in agronomy at UW-Madison where his research focused on optimizing the forage and grain production of a perennial wheat species called Kernza. In addition Joe has evaluated several problematic weed species for […]
Let Whole Plant Moisture Be Your Guide to Harvest Time! The best lactation performance by dairy cows has been shown to occur when corn silage is harvested at 65-70 percent moisture. This range of whole plant moisture also works well for achieving good packing and silage fermentation in horizontal silos. Determining whole plant moisture prior […]
Fall is right around the corner, and it’s never too early to start reviewing your cropping system and to plan your fall nutrient applications. While you plan your fall nutrient application, don’t forget to include soil testing for your nutrient management plan, sampling should be done prior to nutrient application so the soil testing results […]
Dry your grain more energy efficiently Starting August 1, 2019, FOCUS ON ENERGY® will provide $150 per grain dryer tuned up to help you dry your grain more energy efficiently. By tuning up your grain dryer, you could see improved control, less downtime and a return on your investment less than halfway through the drying […]
Sign-up period for the new USDA-FSA Dairy Margin Coverage (DMC program) begins June 17th. Looking for resources and strategies for your farm? Join County FSA Executive Director Jacob Vande Berg on Tuesday, June 25th at 1:00 pm in Room AE-205/206 of Extension Fond du Lac County to learn more about the program and resources to […]
Alfalfa scissor cut results from May 28th are now available at https://fyi.extension.wisc.edu/fdlag/alfalfa/.Alfalfa quality estimates in the field will be conducted on Friday, May 31st with PEAQ method.
Common reasons for not using cover crops are often that it is too cold or the growing period for their establishment is too short. Yet, many farmers are very successful at establishing and growing cover crops in Wisconsin. To help farmers successfully use cover crops, members of the Dodge County Farmers for Healthy Soil-Healthy Water […]
Seventy-eight (78) samples were submitted to UW-Marshfield Soils and Forage Laboratory for analysis on September 11, 2018. Overall the moisture was approximately 60.3% to 76.6% moisture. For results from September 11th, please visit https://fyi.extension.wisc.edu/fdlag/fdl-ag-corn-silage/. September 11th concludes this year’s corn silage moisture testing program.
The September 10th University of Wisconsin-Extension Agriculture and Natural Resources Hay Market Demand and Price Report for the Upper Midwest is now available at https://fyi.extension.wisc.edu/forage/h-m-r/. Demand and Sales Comments: After wide spread rains market prices were steady to weaker this past week. After the rain some farmers are taking account of potential pasture available into fall rather than […]
Residents who have damage due to recent severe storms should call 2-1-1.
10 am to 12 noon | Country Visions Cooperative | 457 W 11th Street, Fond du Lac Tuesday, August 28 Next day results via UW-Marshfield Forage & Soils Lab Tuesday, September 4 Same day results with on-site moisture test with Dairyland Labs Tuesday, September 11 Next day results via UW-Marshfield Forage & Soils Lab No […]
Dodge County Farmers for Healthy Soil-Healthy Water, a sustainability-based farmer led group, will be holding its second annual field day called “Covers and Climate,” on Friday, August 3rd, 2018 at the Hammer & Kavazanjian Farms located at W7591 County Road E in Beaver Dam. The Dodge County Farmers for Healthy Soil-Healthy Water have a mission […]
Wisconsin Farmers Union, Glacierland RC&D, Organic Valley, Fond du Lac County Land and Water, & the Floods are hosting a Pasture Walk at Dan & Wendy Flood’s Organic Dairy Farm on Tuesday, June 19, 2018, from 1:00 to 3:00 pm. The Floods practice managed intensive rotational grazing with their organic dairy herd. They graze 80 […]
UW-Extension and Safe Wisconsin Produce will host the Produce Safety Alliance Grower Training. It will be held at UW Fond du Lac, 400 University Drive in room UC-113/114. The training runs from 7:30 a.m. thru 5:00 p.m. Registration form found here. Who Should Attend? Fruit and vegetable growers and others interested in learning about produce […]
The following herbicide products are Restricted Use Pesticides (RUPs). This means that you have to be a Certified Pesticide Applicator to both buy AND apply (this includes mixing and loading) these products. Pesticide Certification continues at your local Extension office as in the past. However these product have additional training requirements for use. Engenia™ [EPA […]
Fond du Lac County will be hosting two sessions for Pesticide Applicators Training. Each session will be held 9:30 a.m. to 3:30 p.m. at UW-Fond du Lac room AE-205/206 with registration beginning at 9:00 a.m. The dates will be: Wednesday, February 13 Monday, March 5 The fee is $35 per person which does not include lunch. You may bring […]
Similar to last year, a pesticide applicator training designed specifically for Spanish-speaking individuals will be held on January 30th in Fond du Lac County. The training will be presented in English and simultaneously interpreted into Spanish by a team of professional language interpreters. The day will also include Worker Protection Standard training for workers and […]
The Dodge County Farmers for Healthy Soil-Healthy Water are once again partnering with the Dodge County Alliance to host the second annual Healthy Soil-Healthy Water Workshop in 2018 on Wednesday, February 7th and the Follow-up at the Farm Shop on Thursday Feb. 8th. The workshop will be held at the Juneau Community Center. Local Producers […]
The eight-location 2017 Soil, Water & Nutrient Management Meeting tour will come to Dodge County on Monday, December 4th. Dodge County University of Wisconsin Extension (UWEX) invites area crop consultants, agronomy supply specialists, farmers, and other interested parties to attend the 2017 Soil, Water, and Nutrient Management meeting in Juneau at the Dodge County Administration […]
It’s that time of the year when farmers monitor the weather waiting anxiously for moisture in corn kernels to drop before their final harvest begins. Greg Blonde, UW-Extension Waupaca County Agriculture Agent, says “a bushel of dry shell corn weighs 56 pounds at 15% percent kernel moisture. That’s over eight pounds of water in each bushel of ‘dry’ […]
“Producers should practice controlled traffic to reduce the areas in the field with wheel traffic compaction. Eighty to 85 percent of soil compaction damage is done with the first pass of the tires. If additional passes are made on the same traffic lanes, little additional compaction occurs. Because once a traffic lane has been driven […]
2017 Wisconsin Act 59 removed the sunset date of January 1, 2020 on weight related statutes for Implements of Husbandry and Agricultural Commercial Motor Vehicles (Ag CMV) or 2-vehicle combination transporting by trailer or semitrailer an IoH or Ag CMV to or from a farm related destination. This means the 23,000 pound per axle and […]
As promised as a follow-up to their August 2nd field day at the Dodge County Fairgrounds, the Dodge County Farmers for Healthy Soil-Healthy Water are holding a Field Tour on Wednesday October 18th, 2017. The field tour will make three stops to view on-farm cover crop trials local producers have established with the assistance of […]
From the Desk of Dr. Loretta Planning ahead is always good disease prevention advice. Wheat does provide a third option for crop rotations and is best if following soybean, as corn is also a host for the organism that causes head blight. Please click to view information on Start Managing for Fusarium Head Blight Now […]
Driving through Fond du Lac and Dodge Counties, it is obvious that many soybean fields have weed escapes, many of which are in the pigweed family (Photo 1). Wisconsin has several upright pigweeds that are common problems. These are redroot pigweed, smooth pigweed, and spiny pigweed. Unfortunately, it is also becoming home to two additional […]
Thinking of planting wheat this fall? If you have not already selected your varieties this just release resource may help with that decision. The University of Wisconsin Extension has released its 2017 WI Winter Wheat Performance Trials. This data can be used to select high performing wheat varieties for your area because the data is […]
Concern has arisen about the recent heavy rainfall and nitrogen management. Over the last five days, Dr. Carrie Laboski has had numerous producers contact her about about N management after heavy rain. Please read her response and solutions her blog at: https://npketc.soils.wisc.edu/2017/06/26/its-rained-again-what-should-i-do-about-nitrogen/. You can also look for it to appear in the Wisconsin Crop Manager […]
Pork Quality Assurance (PQA) Plus version 3 will be offered to all area pork farmers Thursday June 29, 2017 at 6:30 pm. The meeting will be Room 205-206 Administration/Extension Building at UW-Extension Fond du Lac County, 400 University Drive, Fond du Lac, WI. The meeting will take about 3 hours in total. At the end […]
From the Desk of Dr. Loretta – Wheat fields I have seen in Dodge and Fond du Lac Counties are at anthesis. If you are interested in wheat diseases, please be sure to scout and monitor for the start of anthesis. As of June 2nd, Dr. Damon Smith has provided a Fusarium Head Blight risk […]
The Wisconsin Field Crops Pathology crew spent some time this past week scouting wheat and rating wheat variety trial plots, between planting soybeans and dodging rain storms. Despite the challenging week, the crew was able to get around to several sites and take a look at winter wheat. Wheat ranges from fully emerged flag leaf […]
The potential for substantial Black Cutworm (BCW) flight this growing season has been in the news. Thankfully, we can rely on our agricultural partner, DATCP! Many states do not have the luxury of a cadre of dedicated field personnel that regularly monitor and report on pests. Although it is hard to know if these pheromone […]
The cold, wet weather has limited fieldwork. There were only 2.6 days suitable for fieldwork for the week ending April 30, 2017, according to the USDA’s National Agricultural Statistics Service. To view complete report, go to https://www.nass.usda.gov/Statistics_by_State/Wisconsin/Publications/Crop_Progress_&_Condition/2017/WI_05_07_17.pdf . You can view other pertinent information on the United States Department of Agriculture website at https://www.nass.usda.gov/Statistics_by_State/Wisconsin/.
If you ant to learn the basics of what is needed to protect the shorelines or the basics of what plantings are best for shoreline protection, you might want to attend the Shoreline Protection & Restoration Workshops offered on Saturday, May 20th 9:00 a.m to 1:30 p.m. at The Watermark, 209 South Center Street in Beaver […]
As pesticide dealers and applicators and crop farmers may know, rules about using herbicides containing isoxaflutole have been changing in the past couple of years. Let’s try to clarify where you stand with regard to these products. First, a little background. When the Environmental Protection Agency registered these products in 1998, there were concerns about […]
The occupational death rate on farms is nearly 800 percent greater than in all other industries combined. The leading cause of farm deaths is tractor rollovers. These incidents cost U.S. agriculture $115 million each year. Operators involved who survive these incidents lose an average of 70 work days, and the cost of a medical care, […]
Professor Bob Cropp’s November 2016 Dairy Situation & Outlook full report is now available for download at UW Understanding Dairy Markets. Also, for a video podcast including Dr. Bob Cropp and Dr. Mark Stephenson discussing the Dairy Situation & Outlook, please visit Program on Dairy Markets & Policy. Below are sections of that report: As of now it looks like the Class III price […]
The 2016 Local Options Map is now available at https://datcpgis.wi.gov/IoH/. By zooming in, you can acquire road-level data. The latest IoH legislation is 2015 Act 232, effective March 3, 2016. The permit application has been updated on the WisDOT website at http://wisconsindot.gov/Pages/dmv/agri-eq-veh/default.aspx.